Freshen your finances for spring

Spring is a great time to deep clean your home. In fact, research shows a clean, organized space can help you feel more positive and productive. Did you know that decluttering your finances can give you an emotional boost, too?

By Rachael Seeley Flores

Here are a few steps you can follow to tidy up your finances:

1. Throw out the junk: Cancel the services you no longer use. Money Crashers recommends looking at recent credit card statements and making a list of all the services you’re charged for. Then, cancel the ones you no longer use or need.

2. Iron out your tax withholding: Update your TCDRS tax withholding by signing into For help deciding the right amount to withhold, use the free Tax Withholding Estimator at or talk to a financial professional.

3. Polish your credit report: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says one in five people catch errors on their credit reports. Every year, you can request a free copy of your credit report from the three credit bureaus at If you see something that’s incorrect, like an account you didn’t open, you can dispute the error with the credit bureaus and even place a freeze on your credit report.

Personal Finance

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